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Help us cultivate an Eco-Friendly Community
Farm Connection
This weekend, Robin Hills Farm was honored to be the location for the annual Farm to Table Fabulous Feast—a benefit dinner for the 5 Healthy Towns Farmers Markets.
Spotlight on Events
Families gathered at Robin Hills Farm for some delightful end-of-summer fun on Saturday.
Nestbox Monitoring and Wildlife Husbandry: The Basics
If you've ever joined us out at Robin Hills Farm for a hike, tour or event, you may have noticed the little wooden nestboxes, set high on T-posts, that dot the property.
Robin Hills Farm Gives Back
'Tis the season of giving! Yes, the holiday season is all about family and traditions, but it's also a time to expand one's definition of "family" a little wider, and to share the year's bounty with those in need.
'Slow Movement' AgriTour: Our First AgriTourism Community Ride!
For the sake of health and local, Robin Hills Farm has begun to host a series of bimonthly community bicycle rides that tour the beautiful agricultural landscapes of the region.
Harvest Dinner and Film Screening, "Growing Local"
As luck would have it, the finale to the 'Garden Party Series,' a farm-to-table dinner prepared by the instructor and students of the series, was combined with a film screening that the Chelsea Community Kitchen was organizing.
Year in Review: 2014
This year has been a year of firsts, but perhaps the most exciting of all was the inception of Robin Hills Farm. After months of site surveying and analysis, the team settled on a beautiful piece of property north of Chelsea on M-52.